Monday, February 11, 2008


In the park in Torino, Italia.
I've always been fascinated by those towns which give such an important role to Nature. In Nice we don't have any park, just little gardens, and mostly, they're for kids. That's why I loved London so much : it was able to satisfy my passion for trees. In Torino, another great aspect of the city is the fact that there is a river, the Po (hahaa). In Parco Valentino, it's always the Autumn, by the river and the brown trees.
When I was walking, I heard a girl laughing because her boyfriend was carying her around. She was laughing like a little girl. Not in a silly way I mean, she really had this laugh that only children have. With the voice of a child, full of joy, pure with happiness.
I thought of you.


Dancing Man said...

Your story of the girl laughing reminds me of something that happened when I was there in Nice, and maybe you'll guess what I'm thinking about. ;)

Lemiin said...

Oh, you mean the Night of The Crazy Laugh ?
Just thinking about that fills me up with love for you, maybe even more than usual, and that's saying something.